Distance: 272km (Cumulative: 1 849km)
Moving time: 3:32
Average speed: 77km/h
Accommodation: Camping
Hobas - R170 p.p
New ablutions, swimming pool, sunset access to canyons
Today we finally moved closer to the equator again, after being stuck at the same latitude for three nights.
We basically just drove from Noordoewer to Hobas. We made a quick stop at Grünau and then had lunch at the Cañon Roadhouse. The Monkeys shared a Roadhouse Burger (R80) and their famous Amarula Cheesecake (R45). Caro also tried the Malawian Shandy.

The bar inside Cañon Roadhouse
We arrived at Hobas around 14:00. After paying for the camping (R170 p.p), we washed our clothes and went for a swim in the swimming pool that could use a Kreepy Krauly.
We sat around and waited for the sun to set. Two big Nomad tour trucks arrived full of Americans, Australians and Asians. We heard they are also going to the Canyons for sunset so shortly after they left for the viewing point, we left as well.
We went to three different viewing points and watched the sun set over the second largest canyon in the world, what an amazing sight.

Sam, Mario and Hugo at the Cayons viewing point

Photos doesn’t do it justice. This is also the most water that I have ever seen in the Fish River.
We waited till after sunset before returning to our campsite. While Hugo and the Swiss set up camp Caro made Spahetti and Chalaka with extra corn and butternut mixed in.
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