Day 65 Luke’s Beach to Mpulungu

|, Trip Report, Zambia|Day 65 Luke’s Beach to Mpulungu

17 April 2017

Day 65 Luke’s Beach to Mpulungu

Caro got up at 06:00 and went to lie in the hammock again for old time’s sake. Steven was suppose to get us at 08:00, but decided to arrive at 07:00 just when Caro came to wake Hugo up. We thus had to quickly throw everything in our bags and was ready to leave in 15 minutes.

Hugo continued his sleep on the boat ride back to Mpulungu. Hugo went back to Nkupi to fetch the MonkeyMobile, coming around the corner he got a pleasant surprise. None other than Kingsley Holgate and his wife was sitting 30m from the MonkeyMobile having breakfast. We have been hearing about them since Kapishya, where other guests mentioned meeting him. Then in Kasama we saw his name in the guest book and they told us he was heading to Lakeshore Lodge and Kigoma.

We chatted for 5 minutes before I excused myself to go get Caro and our luggage. Back at Nkupi we continued to chat. He gave us a Bushnote to give to Chris and Lou from Lakeshore Lodge and we also exchanged our Kwacha for their Shillings. Naturally he also gave us some pointers for the road and places to see. Unfortunately they we’re on their way, and left shortly after.

We parked on our old spot again and then walked to the Niamkolo Church, one of the oldest in Zambia. Back at the Lodge Hugo opened the tent and took an afternoon nap while Caro did her last UNISA assignment.

Hugo woke up and went for a shower. Caro then gave him a shopping list and sent him on his way. After some searching and asking Hugo found the local market and bought carrots, potatoes, an avocado, bananas, eggs (which later turned out to be off), bread (which wasn’t off), tomatoes and Cokes.

Caro managed to finish her assignment and submit it before going to bed. We had two minute noodles for dinner as we were to tired to make anything else.

2017-04-22T09:16:25+02:00 April 17th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zambia|

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