

Day 145: Lake Victoria to Jinja via Busia and Malaba

2017-07-15T22:20:14+02:00 July 6th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report, Uganda|

We set an alarm for 07:00, but we were all a bit slow to Caro’s frustration and Daniel still tried to get some fishing in. We only managed to leave by 09:25. We took the B1 straight to Busia, which is tarmac all the way, but it still took more than 2 hours to cover [...]

Day 144: Kakamega Forest to Lake Victoria

2017-07-15T22:07:45+02:00 July 5th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We got up lazily as we didn’t plan on driving far today. Caro was the first one up and found what she dreaded the night before: A monkey tore the trash bag, there were bits and pieces everywhere. Daniel also got up and helped Caro to pick up everything. The campsite does not have any [...]

Day 143: Eldoret to almost Uganda, but then to Kakamega Forest

2017-07-12T20:16:17+02:00 July 4th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

Caro made french toast for breakfast. The Indian owner then stopped at our site and apologised for not being there when we arrived. We asked him about Suam border post and he said we should definitely avoid it at this time after the rain. He then offered us fresh vegetables from their Shamba. Caro went [...]

Day 142: Nakuru to Naiberi River Campsite & Retreat

2017-07-12T20:06:13+02:00 July 3rd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

The Monkeys watched Netflix until after 01:00 in the morning, so Hugo stayed in bed until just before breakfast at 09:20. The Aucamps made a delicious quiche-like spinach and bacon scrambled egg bake. Sekar got a dentist appointment for 10:30 and went with Johan and Daniel in a matatu to the Westside Mall. She got [...]

Day 141: Lake Baringo to Nakuru

2017-07-12T19:54:43+02:00 July 2nd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

Sekar has been having tooth pain for the past few nights to the point where she could barely sleep. We thus decided to head south to Nakuru to find a dentist rather than going over the Kito pass to the north. We left the campsite by 09:30 and took two hours to drive 115km B4 [...]

Day 140: Lake Bogorio to Lake Baringo

2017-07-12T19:48:51+02:00 July 1st, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We didn’t set an alarm for today, but Caro got up before sunrise to chase the blue monkeys away that were making a racket and jumping on the roof of our tent. She then went to the hot water pool where she was the only person, as it was technically ‘closed’ until 08:00. We took [...]

Day 139: Castle Forest Lodge to Lake Bogorio

2017-07-05T22:19:50+02:00 June 30th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We set an alarm for 07:00 with the idea of leaving by 08:00. Since it was basically our first morning packing up ‘on-the-road’ we only managed to leave by 08:40. We’ll get the hang of it soon. For the first few kilometers we drove in thick fog with very little visibility. Later it opened up [...]

Day 137 – 138: Jungle Junction to Castle Forest Lodge, Mt Kenya

2017-07-05T21:15:24+02:00 June 28th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We didn’t set an alarm and only got up after 08:00. It took quite some time to pack despite all the packing and planning of yesterday. Finally, at 11:00 we fitted everything inside and on top of the vehicle. We decided to abandon 2 Jerry cans at Jungle Junction as it has been more than [...]

Day 134 – 136: Jungle Junction for the third time

2017-07-05T20:34:30+02:00 June 27th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We stayed at Jungle Junction for three more nights to sort everything out, to do some shopping and to get to know our new travel companions. Daniel is from Germany and went to visit is Indonesian girlfriend in South Africa after finishing his Masters. Sekar studied anthropology at Rhodes University in Grahamestown for a semester. [...]

Day 133: Lalibela to Nairobi – The day of delays

2017-07-05T21:48:09+02:00 June 24th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Trip Report|

We got up at 07:00 again and packed our bags. By 07:20 were sitting in the restaurant and ordered Ethiopian bread with honey. By 07:50 it had still not arrived. Just as our driver came to call us the food and tea arrived. We quickly gulped down the tea and took the bread in our [...]