Distance: 426km (Cumulative: 2 275km)
Moving time: 4:53
Average speed: 87km/h
Road surface: Gravel and Tar
Accommodation: Backpackers
Luderitz Backpackers - R120 p.p
Centrally located, clean rooms, WiFi
For Breakfast we ate the lasts rusks and soft rolls with peanut butter and syrup. We drove past the Cañon Roadhouse again and then turned left towards Seeheim. We stopped about halfway at Mount Canyon, a new place that wasn’t there last time Hugo drove on this road. Mount Canyon (the name is apparently not yet fixed) belongs to a couple who had the farm for many years, but only recently returned to open the roadside shop selling biltong, biscuits, cooldring and the likes. They also have camping spots and B&B rooms for much better rates then any of the surrounding options. If we knew of its existence we would have camped there for R70 cheaper per person.
The road to Seeheim was closed due to the river coming down so we had to drive via the Naute Dam. The B2 is just a long straight road all the way to Luderitz. We stopped at the general dealer in Aus and finally found some Oasis Grapefruit water that the monkeys fell in love with from their last trip to Namibia.
At Klein Aus Vista we enquired about camping and was informed that Kolmanskoppe which we intended to visit today closes at 13:00 and it was already passed one. We however drove on and stopped at the water point for the Wild Horses for lunch (dried out brown bread from Aus). We saw some wild horses, oryx and ostriches.

Descending towards Luderitz
In Luderitz we found a backpackers. The Monkeys opted for a dorm room which was promised that they can have for themselves, while the Brudis (as the Swiss will be called from now on: Brudis is colloquial Swiss German for something like bro (or dude), the name they constantly call each other.) camped in the backyard. The monkeys made use of the WiFi to update their blog.
For dinner the Brudis braai’ed chicken and Caro made oven vegetables. We only went to bed after 01:00.
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