Trip Report

|Trip Report

Day 73 – 74: Mbeya to Kisolanza Farm

2017-04-27T22:34:37+02:00 April 27th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We wanted to leave early again as by now we knew that when people say something is a five hour drive it will take us seven hours. As you can probably guess this didn’t happen and we only left the hotel by 10:00. In our defence we did have a big breakfast in the [...]

Day 71: Sumbawanga to Utengule Coffee Lodge

2017-04-27T20:32:52+02:00 April 23rd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We had breakfast again in the hotel. We tried out the date syrup (that we recently bought) on the chipati and it was quite good. At 09:30 we were finally packed up and checked out and on the road again. The road was mostly tarred and mostly in a good condition. A lot of people [...]

Day 68 – 70: Lake Shore Lodge to Sumbawanga

2017-04-22T21:40:30+02:00 April 22nd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

Hugo couldn’t sleep and stayed awake until 02:00 in the morning, browsing and posting things. So naturally when the alarm went off at 07:00 he just switched it off and continued sleeping. Eventually after 08:00 we woke up from the thunder in the skies. We decided to leave as we didn’t want the tent to [...]

Day 66 – 67: Mpulungu to Lake Shore Lodge

2017-04-22T13:13:37+02:00 April 19th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report, Zambia|

Somewhere in the night the heaviest rain storm so far hit our tent. The tent held good, but the splashing from the jerry cans still caused the sides to get a bit wet. We planned to get an early start, but then Caro remembered she was suppose to add images to her assignment. So she [...]

Day 65 Luke’s Beach to Mpulungu

2017-04-22T09:16:25+02:00 April 17th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zambia|

Caro got up at 06:00 and went to lie in the hammock again for old time’s sake. Steven was suppose to get us at 08:00, but decided to arrive at 07:00 just when Caro came to wake Hugo up. We thus had to quickly throw everything in our bags and was ready to leave in [...]

Day 62-64: Luke’s Beach

2017-05-08T22:26:35+02:00 April 16th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zambia|

We got up at 08:00 and packed our ‘weekend’ bags and some food into a crate. We were taking a 2 big bags, two day packs, 25L water bottle, gas canister and one ammo box with food. For breakfast we ate some of last night’s pap with sugar and milk. At 09:30 were basically done [...]

Day 60-61: Kasama to Mpulungu

2017-04-17T22:26:13+02:00 April 12th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zambia|

We had quite the packing up to do as everything was just thrown on the back seat and in the back. We settled our bill and finally started heading north again, but first another stop at the Shoprite. While Caro started shopping Hugo refueled the MonkeyMobile at the Puma station. We wonder where people who [...]

Day 58-59 Lumangwe Falls to Kasama

2017-04-11T22:29:43+02:00 April 11th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zambia|

We initially thought to stay for two days at the falls, but after seeing the run-down facilities and being the only people and still seeing leaking oil we decided to head back to Kasama. We had breakfast and packed up by 10:30. We drove to the Kabwelume Falls only 5km away, but the road took [...]

Day 57 Kasama to Lumangwe Falls

2017-04-11T22:29:55+02:00 April 9th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zambia|

We thought of staying another day, but also wanted to ‘test’ the new bearing and seals. Caro made French Toast and then we decided to go to the Lumangwe Falls. After settling our bill we left Kasama at 10:30. We missed the turn-off to Mporokoso, but decided to try the bottom road and look for [...]