

Day 123: Nairobi to Addis Ababa

2017-06-26T11:18:19+02:00 June 14th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Trip Report|

Our alarm went off at 06:00. We got up and took showers, closed the tent and packed everything away. At 06:50 we requested and Uber and then went to park the car and lock everything. At 07:00 the Uber arrived and took us to the airport. There was very little traffic so we got to [...]

Day 121 – 122: Nakuru back to Nairobi

2017-06-26T12:38:58+02:00 June 12th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

Today we're heading back to Nairobi as we're flying to Addis Ababa on Wednesdays. We weren't originally planning on visiting Ethiopia during this trip as we weren't up for the bureaucracy involved in getting a visa and also the added distance. Being so close, however, we started looking at prices for flights. It is obviously [...]

Day 118 – 120: Nakuru

2017-06-26T08:00:42+02:00 June 11th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We got up early and had breakfast with the Aucamps. Today they're visiting one of the Yasha Ministry schools and we're going with. We offered to drive with our vehicle and more people came in another one. The other car overheated after about 2km so in the end it was just our car with 5 [...]

Day 117: Mara Triangle to Nakuru

2017-06-12T16:53:01+02:00 June 11th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

This time we remembered to set an alarm and woke up at 06:00. Sometime during the night a vehicle dropped off a female ranger and the two proceeded to talk loudly late into the night. Caro was luckily blissfully unaware of this, otherwise there would have been big trouble. Before we got up a vehicle [...]

Day 116: Maasai Mara and Mara Triangle

2017-06-11T11:57:09+02:00 June 7th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We didn't hear any lions during the night, only hippopotamus. A strong wind was however blowing all night dampening most other sounds. We forgot to set an alarm and only got up at 08:00. We quickly packed up and saw a safari vehicle passing us. While eating breakfast we saw the vehicle standing still on [...]

Day 115: The Maa Trust and Maasai Mara

2017-06-11T11:57:19+02:00 June 6th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

Caro set an alarm for 06:00, but as it still looked pitch black outside we snoozed until 06:30. We quickly got up and just put on warm clothes. By 06:40 we were in the Trust’s Land Cruiser with Marias behind the wheel. Within the first 500m, just going down the escarpment from the office Hugo [...]

Day 113 – 114: Nairobi to Maa Trust near Talek

2017-06-10T11:59:26+02:00 June 5th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We planned to get up early, but since we were awake until midnight we snoozed for an hour and only got up at 08:00. We ate the leftover pizza for breakfast while packing in the last things. We said our goodbyes to everyone. An Italian couple and a German couple are also heading back to [...]

Day 103: Kili Springs to Nairobi

2017-05-30T13:34:43+02:00 May 25th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We set our alarm for 06:30 to get an early start on the gruelling road (as described by others) to Nairobi. We left by 07:25. After a few kilometers we saw giraffe next to the road with sheep herders walking behind them. We reached Emali on the Mombasa-Nairobi highway by 09:00. We tried to look [...]

Day 102: Moshi to Kenya via Tarakea-Oloitoktok border

2017-05-30T13:15:29+02:00 May 24th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We left Mama Simba’s Homebase by 08:40 after receiving a warm goodbye. We first headed back to Milan’s Restaurant as we wanted more Paneer Samosas, but unfortunately they did have any that early in the morning. We then bought some beef samosas at another place which wasn’t as good. After using the last of our [...]