Distance: 294km (Cumulative: 2 984km)
Moving time: 4:22
Average speed: 67km/h
Road surface: 90% Gravel, tar to Sossusvlei parking, soft sand last 4km
Accommodation: Camping
Sesriem Campsite - NWR - R200 p.p
Swimming pool, access to Sossusvlei 1 hour longer
Our alarm went off at 07:00, but we snoozed for a while longer. For breakfast we had newly bought ProNutro. Sam softened the old bread by eating wet ProNutro on his bread with syrup.
We packed up and left for Sesriem, where we arrived at 12:00. We bought lunch at the Oasis shop, before entering the park. Initially we only paid the park fees and went to the Sesriem Canyon. It was so hot that we decided we can’t go to the Dunes now, we have to wait until later so we will have to camp at Sesriem (R200p.p). We paid for the camping and went for a swim before going to campsite no 24B.

Hugo sitting in a cave in the Sesriem Canyon
We set up the table and chairs and tried to play Sushi Go, but the wind kept blowing our cards away. Caro then made Pancake mix and Mario made popcorn before we left for the Dunes.
We had to deflate the tyres to go the last 4km over soft sand. We immediatley set out for Big Daddy Dune, which the Monkeys almost didn’t make. Finally we reached the top and had magnificent views over Sossusvlei. We tried to slide down the dune with the tarpaulin we carried up, but it was an epic fail. We resorted to pulling each other on it.
We got to the bottom as the shadows completely covered Dead Pan. We had to do a brisk walk to the car and drove back in complete darkness (except for the headlights). We missed the gate closing time by 20 minutes, but no-one stop us, so we just proceeded to our campsite. We reach our site at 21:00 and still had to eat dinner and set up our tents.
Caro made smash and heated some of yesterday’s left overs.

Our camping spot
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