Distance: 261km (Cumulative: 261km)
Moving time: 4:42
Average speed: 55km/h
Road surface: 100% Tar road
Accommodation: Camping
Yzerfontein caravan park - R60 p.p
Big sites, clean facilities, next to ocean
We initially planned on starting the trip on the 13th of February, but Hugo’s parents wanted to have a proper farewell, so we decided to leave on Sunday the 12th.
Lying in bed the morning Hugo googled whether we needed a visa for Tanzania or not. The Answer: Yes! Oh well, we’ll just have to figure it out along the way.
After another big South African breakfast we decided to start the trip from Cape Point where Hugo’s parents will say their goodbyes. At 11:00 we finally had everything packed to the brim including two crates of wood on the roof.
We drove via the Ou Kaapseweg to Simon’s Town and then stopped at Boulders beach to visit the penguins. It’s R70 entrance, but luckily we bought a Wild Card two days ago, which we forgot in the car, so we had to walk all the way back.

Penguins at Boulders’ Beach
Entrance to Cape Point was another R85 per person, but again our Wild Card came to the rescue. At the Cape of Good Hope, the most south western point of Africa, we took another group photo between the other masses of tourists. As if we didn’t eat enough the previous night and this morning, Hugo’s parents brought another massive picnic with cold meats and cheeses and even koeksisters for the Swiss to try.
After saying our final goodbyes and finally ‘officially’ starting our trip, we hiked to the lighthouse. At 16:00 we realised that we should try and leave the city tonight, otherwise we will be stuck in Monday morning traffic.
We drove to Ganzekraal just past Melkbosstrand, but the security said they don’t allow people after office hours. At 19:00 we arrived at Yzerfontein’s caravan park. The office was also closed, but there was a number that we could phone. Within minutes a nice lady booked us in. To our surprise there were a few other campers and the facilities where very good.
After walking on the windy beach we braai’ed tjops and made cous cous. We only went to sleep at 23:00.

Yzerfontein beach at sunset
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