Trip Report

|Trip Report

Day 113 – 114: Nairobi to Maa Trust near Talek

2017-06-10T11:59:26+02:00 June 5th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We planned to get up early, but since we were awake until midnight we snoozed for an hour and only got up at 08:00. We ate the leftover pizza for breakfast while packing in the last things. We said our goodbyes to everyone. An Italian couple and a German couple are also heading back to [...]

Day 103: Kili Springs to Nairobi

2017-05-30T13:34:43+02:00 May 25th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Trip Report|

We set our alarm for 06:30 to get an early start on the gruelling road (as described by others) to Nairobi. We left by 07:25. After a few kilometers we saw giraffe next to the road with sheep herders walking behind them. We reached Emali on the Mombasa-Nairobi highway by 09:00. We tried to look [...]

Day 102: Moshi to Kenya via Tarakea-Oloitoktok border

2017-05-30T13:15:29+02:00 May 24th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We left Mama Simba’s Homebase by 08:40 after receiving a warm goodbye. We first headed back to Milan’s Restaurant as we wanted more Paneer Samosas, but unfortunately they did have any that early in the morning. We then bought some beef samosas at another place which wasn’t as good. After using the last of our [...]

Day 100 – 101: Moshi

2017-05-30T12:10:51+02:00 May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We stayed at Mama Simba for two more nights, basically just studying and working all day. On Monday we went to Milan's Restaurant, a vegetarian Indian restaurant. We ordered Paneer Samosas which were delicious and a lentil dish with naan and rice. For most of the other meals we made our own food. On Tuesday [...]

Day 98 – 99: Usambaras to Moshi

2017-05-21T18:03:05+02:00 May 20th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We woke up at 06:00 with the sound of heavy rain drops on the tent. We tried to mentally block it out (and the consequences) and hoped for it to go away, but when the clock ticked passed 08:00 we knew we had problems. Hugo checked for the latest weather update and saw that [...]

Day 96 – 97: Tanga to West Usambaras

2017-05-21T16:58:19+02:00 May 19th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We packed up everything again the night before so that we can have an early start. We didn’t set an alarm so only got up passed 08:00 and then only managed to leave passed 09:00. We ate the leftover pizza from last night while on the road. In Tanga, we first went to the market [...]

Day 92 – 95: Bagamoyo to Peponi

2017-05-21T16:20:38+02:00 May 17th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We packed up everything the night before, so we managed to leave at 08:13. We stopped at the new Total just outside Bagamoyo to refuel and then proceeded to retrace our route back to Msata. The flooding next to the road seemed much more than when we entered, with lots of structures (houses) in [...]

Day 91: Dar Es Salaam to Bagamoyo

2017-05-16T12:43:48+02:00 May 13th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We planned to leave at 07:00 and managed to almost do it despite sleeping until 06:45. We requested an Uber, which arrived within 8 minutes. The driver didn’t speak much English and somehow seemed to not know that the Uber app tells him our destination and that he can get directions from a mapping [...]

Day 90: Stone Town to Dar Es Salaam

2017-05-16T12:45:30+02:00 May 12th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

We set the alarm at 05:30 and actually manage to leave at 06:00. The Ferry is right across the road, but they suggest to arrive at least an hour early. We were, however, almost the first ones there, which was good as no-one bothered us. We showed our ticket to someone at a gate and [...]