

Day 224 – 226: Marracuene to Maputo

2017-10-01T21:00:08+02:00 September 23rd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Mozambique, Trip Report|

We woke up to a strong wind and quickly closed the tent as it looked like it could start to rain. Just as we finished making coffee Jared and Jen arrived with their coffee and we chatted for more than an hour. We only left at 11:30 after saying our final goodbyes. Back in Marracuene, [...]

Day 223: Chidenguele to Marracuene

2017-09-25T23:04:15+02:00 September 22nd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Mozambique, Trip Report|

  We would have loved to stay longer, but they were expecting a big group and all 5 current campers had to leave. This place was thus by far the most popular campsite that we have stayed at. We were packed up before 08:00 and then went to the beach. We told Jared and Jen [...]

Day 222: Barra to Chidenguele

2017-09-25T23:03:38+02:00 September 21st, 2017|Categories: Africa, Mozambique, Trip Report|

After the owner helped us to plug the hole in the tyre we drove to his ‘workshop’ area which had a cement surface to change the wheels back again. We deflated the wheels a bit for the Sandy roads so when we got to Inhambane we wanted to inflate it again. We couldn’t find a [...]

Day 221: Tofo to Barra

2017-09-29T21:50:31+02:00 September 20th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Mozambique, Trip Report|

At 10:00 we left Turtle Cove and drove on some sandy tracks to check out Tofinho beach. We spotted some whales jumping out of the water showing their bellies and clapping their fins on the water. One came quite close to shore with their infant.    We then drove to the main Tofo beach past [...]

Day 220: Inhassoro to Tofo

2017-09-29T21:45:53+02:00 September 19th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Mozambique, Trip Report|

Initially, we wanted to also stay in Vilanculos, but since we spent four nights in Inhassoro we decided to head directly for Tofo. We left Goody Villas at 09:40. The road to Vilanculos was still pretty bad. We went to check out Vilanculos for future reference and did some shopping. We also had lunch at [...]

Day 216 – 219: Espungabera to Inhassoro

2017-09-25T22:24:15+02:00 September 15th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Mozambique, Trip Report|

Despite the long day ahead we only left camp at 9:30 and then drove 3km to the starting point for the hike to the big tree. We had a brisk walk through thick spider web covered forest for 1km. The big tree was indeed quite big and after trying various techniques to try and capture [...]

Day 215: Lake Mutirikwi to Espungabera

2017-09-25T22:04:23+02:00 September 14th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zimbabwe|

We got woken up at 06:30 by the security guard who brought us the key to house number 7, which had a hot shower. Hugo got out while Caro snoozed a while longer. We packed up slowly and Hugo quickly did some work. After packing up completely we went for the hot shower which was [...]

Day 214: Masvingo and Lake Mutirikwi

2017-09-25T21:58:49+02:00 September 13th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zimbabwe|

We got up slowly again and packed up. We had some work to do so we went to Norma Jean’s Lakeview Resort to see if they had good reception. The campsite and facilities looked really nice, but there was almost no cell phone reception and their WiFi just like the campsite is extremely expensive. Just [...]

Day 212 – 213: Hot Springs to Great Zimbabwe

2017-09-16T22:18:32+02:00 September 11th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zimbabwe|

Caro got up at 08:00 and quickly did some online work while Hugo snoozed. When Hugo got up we had buns with Melrose for breakfast and then packed up. Caro went for a quick swim again and somehow the water was much warmer and much cleaner than yesterday. We left at 10:00 and took the [...]

Day 211: Mutare to Hot Springs

2017-09-16T21:52:21+02:00 September 10th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Trip Report, Zimbabwe|

When we got up it was still cold and the tent was wet on the inside from condensation. We moved into a sunny patch and then made breakfast. The eggs we bought just before the border was all off so we just had Chorizo and onions on large buns. After packing up we drove to [...]