Day 100 – 101: Moshi

|, Tanzania, Trip Report|Day 100 – 101: Moshi

23 May 2017

Day 100 – 101: Moshi

We stayed at Mama Simba for two more nights, basically just studying and working all day. On Monday we went to Milan’s Restaurant, a vegetarian Indian restaurant. We ordered Paneer Samosas which were delicious and a lentil dish with naan and rice.

For most of the other meals we made our own food. On Tuesday Mama Simba arrived, she was even friendlier than her son. They offered us some banana and meat soup with chapati and mandazi (East African donut). The green bananas tastes more like potato when cooked, the soup was thus delicious.

Every now and then when we could see sun rays we tried to see Kilimanjaro, but it was covered in thick clouds all the time.

2017-05-30T12:10:51+02:00 May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Africa, Tanzania, Trip Report|

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