Day 79: Mikumi National Park
We set our alarm for 06:00 and actually got up. The earliest yet. We managed to leave by 06:40 even though we still made popcorn and hot water in a flask for the road. [...]
Day 78: Hondo Hondo to Mikumi
We got up lazily and let the tent dry a bit. We eventually only left at 10:40. We set the GPS to Magombero Village and got there via some very small roads that was only [...]
Day 76 – 77: Iringa to Hondo Hondo
Since this was the most expensive hotel we stayed in so far, we expected the breakfast to also be the best and it didn’t fail to deliver. Beside the usual offerings they also had delicious [...]
Day 75: Kisolanza to Iringa
We didn’t set an alarm, but Hugo woke up at 08:00 and went for a shower. Back at the tent it took some convincing to get Caro up. We made tea and french toast for [...]
Day 73 – 74: Mbeya to Kisolanza Farm
We wanted to leave early again as by now we knew that when people say something is a five hour drive it will take us seven hours. As you can probably guess this didn’t [...]
Day 72: Mbeya
We set an alarm again for 07:00 with the idea of being at the workshop in Mbeya by 08:00, as usual we just snoozed until 08:00 and then only left after 09:00. We thus [...]
Day 71: Sumbawanga to Utengule Coffee Lodge
We had breakfast again in the hotel. We tried out the date syrup (that we recently bought) on the chipati and it was quite good. At 09:30 we were finally packed up and checked out [...]
Day 68 – 70: Lake Shore Lodge to Sumbawanga
Hugo couldn’t sleep and stayed awake until 02:00 in the morning, browsing and posting things. So naturally when the alarm went off at 07:00 he just switched it off and continued sleeping. Eventually after 08:00 [...]
Day 66 – 67: Mpulungu to Lake Shore Lodge
Somewhere in the night the heaviest rain storm so far hit our tent. The tent held good, but the splashing from the jerry cans still caused the sides to get a bit wet. We planned [...]