


2017-02-19T20:31:42+02:00 September 25th, 2016|

Our friend Jaco recently got a job in Stellenbosch after living on their farm for almost two years. Luckily he only has to be there for 3 days a week. Since we don't have a car this new arrangement also worked out well for us. On Wednesday, after work, we drove to Hartebeesrivier (his farm) [...]

Gamkapoort Dam

2017-02-19T20:32:52+02:00 September 8th, 2016|

While we were visiting Caro's parents in Prince Albert one of her dad's old colleagues came to visit. Her parents took them (and us) to the Gamkapoort Dam. Gamkapoort Dam is located on the Gamka River, near Prince Albert, Western Cape, South Africa. It was established in 1969 and its primary purpose is for irrigation. [...]


2017-02-19T20:34:14+02:00 July 30th, 2016|

We joined the Mountain Club of South Africa - Cape Town branch, on a weekend hike to the top of Matroosberg. We started early Saturday morning from the De Doorns side. We were hoping for snow but the rain washed it all away earlier the week. Nonetheless we had an amazing time with beautiful scenery. [...]

Wolwekraal Nature Reserve

2017-02-19T20:38:23+02:00 July 14th, 2016|

Wolwekraal Nature Reserve is a small protected area (113 ha) on Section 2 of the farm Wolwekraal (Farm 211) in the Municipality and Division Prince Albert, Western Cape Province. It was acquired by Sue and Richard Dean, in 2005 for conservation purposes, and in 2013 was registered as a CapeNature “in perpetuity” Stewardship protected area [...]